14-Day Weight Loss Challenge

Rajneesh Kumar Gaur
5 min readDec 29, 2020


While we all like indulging in our cravings and eating food , we do not realize the damage it does to our bodies until later. 25-year-old Sara, a Blogger by profession went through an equivalent ordeal. An unhealthy relationship with food made her overweight. Determined to seem her age, she fought off the flab and lost 15 kilos! to understand how she did it, read the whole story below:

Name: Sara
Occupation: Blogger
Age: 30 years
Highest weight recorded: 76 kilos
Weight lost: 15 kilos
Duration it took me to lose weight: 4.5 Months

The turning point: While I used to be never really bothered about what proportion I weighed, I used to be always conscious about my looks and what I ate put me guilty . I want to eat everything without realising the number of calories in them. I just ate what I felt like eating and ended up paying a high price for this habit. I want to munch on something every other hour and it had been usually something fried or junk. My midnight cravings, the most important culprit and therefore the sedentary lifestyle made it all worse!
At 76 kilos, I felt so lazy and there was zero excitement in life, such a lot so, there have been days i could not drag myself to work! My self-confidence was hit really bad. preparing ahead of the mirror was hard. Whenever I wont to stand amongst my peers, I wont to desire i used to be the oldest one within the group. This was the time i made a decision to require the matter into my very own hands. because the saying goes, “A journey of thousand miles begins with one step”, an equivalent happened with me. With sheer determination and can, I used to be ready to shred 15 kilos.

Just have a quick cup before 10am to dissolve 3 pounds

Wake Up Drink: Lamon+ Honey Water(1Hr Gap for Next Drink/Break Fast)

My breakfast: 2 egg whites and oats/muesli.

My lunch: 2 Chapati with a cup of lentils (daal), buttermilk(chaas) and salads.

My dinner:

For dinner, it’s usually something like grilled chicken/ sautéed paneer with a bowl of slightly tempered lentils (daal). I also upped my water intake and keep myself hydrated by drinking around 4 litres of water a day .

Pre-workout meal: Coconut water/ Black coffee/Green Tea

Post-workout Drink: Lemon Water

Post-workout meal: Fruit (like an apple or banana) or a couple of nuts and seeds.

My workout: My workout is essentially centred on doing aerobic exercises. I do Zumba six-fold every week, at home. I also supplement it with some essential cardio moves. This has helped shed the flab faster.
Fitness secrets I unveiled: quite the exercise, it is the diet you follow that matters. I made tons of conscious changes in my diet. Timely food intake, mindful calorie count and following a strict disciplined diet helped me get the form I always desired to possess .

How do I stay motivated: The one thing I even have realized is that weight loss may be a slow, gradual process and you’ve got to be according to your goals. Plus, it’s also important that you simply need to note and realize every step of progress you create. I consider that a gift in itself, noticing every positive, helpful development.

How does one make sure you don’t lose focus: I even have invested during a weighing scale, which I keep reception. This helps me stay watchful and track my journey accordingly.
Other than that, I won’t deny that the transformation in itself feels tremendous and works wonders. Yes, you’ve got to form conscious choices and eat the proper quite foods (which aren’t always what your taste buds demand), but once you start seeing the progress, you’ll never want to travel back to the old lifestyle. Plus, seeing the fitness models on the web always picks me abreast of the low days.
What’s the foremost difficult a part of being overweight: once I was overweight, I experienced a crash in my motivation and self-esteem. I used to be less hooked in to life and suffered from low confidence. This made me really unhappy.

What shape does one see yourself 10 years down the line:

i would like to be ready to sustain the form I’m in immediately , work on my body and if I manage to be an idea to others, i will be able to be really happy and feel that I even have taken steps within the right direction.
What are the life-style changes you made: I made big changes to my diet. My choice of food changed, water intake went up and that i now confirm that I even have ample protein and fiber-two essentials during a weight loss plan in my everyday meals. Plus, regular exercise, which wasn’t there before is now something I religiously follow.

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What was rock bottom point for you: The side effects of obesity, at such a young age, were hard to affect . One day, while checking my BMI levels (Body Mass Index), the results showed my body age as 60, whereas I’m just 30. This pushed me to form an enormous change.
Lessons learnt from weight loss: Like for several, it had been difficult initially to push me to adopt a healthier lifestyle and reduce. However, it had been all worthwhile. I totally believe that determination is at the forefront of an honest workout mission and afterward, the leads to themselves are going to be enough to push you, subsequent level and cause you to feel happy!

Source — gaursblog.com



Rajneesh Kumar Gaur

I am a health and fitness blogger Providing Health and fitness tips and motivation, and also writes on different categories also.